Thursday, 11 November 2010

English Premier League Posts

OK..  I admit it, I'm a big follower of the Premier League, and in particular Arsenal Football Club, though I used to support Stoke City as a kid,...

when I had no idea where Stoke was, and was in two minds about who to support when Arsenal met Stoke in the 1971 FA Cup semi-finals (I think the toss of a coin did it for Stoke!). Anyway supporting both clubs over the years worked well, as I knew Arsenal would always be a Premier league team, and up until 3 years ago Stoke looked like a confirmed lower league team (yes.. I hear you say.. not today with the incredible team that Tony Pulis has brought about!). Anyway enough about these two great premier league clubs, not to mention many of the others, I also admire. I keep it quiet from my friends that I've often admired the way Spurs play, in that they show a lot of flar and have been very attacking, and it comes as no surprise to me that Garath Bale has become a superstar with them, and I believe will go on to better things. But, hey, my admiration stops there, as I've never been a big fan of Manchester United (despite my bet on them to beat Bayren Munich in the 1990 Champions league final with a German on my hols in Portugal). i.e. I'm not an ABU supporter either. Nor am I a big fan of Chelsea, as I guess I've had a grudge against them since they had big money investments from the Russian Government c/o a certain mr. Roman Abramovich,, but again I have admired the way they've played football on many occasions, especially in the early days under the management of Jose Mourinho. ok. The list goes on..  but lets not elaborate further, but rather go onto current events in PL football!!..

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