Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Aids in Authoring - Using technology to help you create ideas and expand on them

One of the lovely aspects of web developments (i.e. Web developmental progress, as opposed to software aka "web development") is that you can create thoughts, fine tune them, develop your ideas, but as you do, you can share them with the world by using the web instead of a loose leaf notepad (as we used to!), so now you might get feedback as your thoughts develop. Especially if google can transfer or distribute your thoughts onto an interested audiance!!..

Sunday, 16 May 2010

I'm looking for budding Authors / Writers (Contact me if interested)

There are many exceptional works of genius (I was going to use the expression "works of art", so that too!!) on the various blogs all over the web. I never cease to be amazed at what I read from some exceptionally talented people. For this reason, I'm looking for individuals (perhaps to build up a team) of talented writers who enjoy writing material on a wide variety of subjects (that is for the group, so you can have a very specialised interest, and that then adds to the group dynamic!). So if that's you, and perhaps you already have a blog (or two!) then feel free to respond on here, including in your comment what rattles your cage, and a little of what you write about (or even a reference to your website or blog).